Weight of Water - Anita Shreve

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Weight of Water - Anita Shreve

Weight of Water - Anita Shreve

NOW €9.88 ex. VAT


In 1873, on a small bleak island off the rich fishing coast of New Hampshire, two Norwegian women are murdered in a fit of brutal passion. A third, Maren Hontvedt, escapes to witness a local man's execution for the crime. 

More than a century later, Jean, a Boston photojournalist, travels to the island on a research assignment to investigate the murder legend. She stumbles upon Maren's translated memoirs, carefully preserved among the faded photographs, mildewed letters and yellowing guidebooks of the Isle of Shoals archives. 

As she immerses herself in Maren's poignant tale of love and loss, Jean senses haunting echoes of her own fading passion and possessive behaviour