Victoria Stitch Free and Famous - Harriet Muncaster

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Victoria Stitch Free and Famous - Harriet Muncaster

Victoria Stitch Free and Famous - Harriet Muncaster

NOW €7.08 ex. VAT


'I want to be me! The glorious glittering me . . . People like me here Celestine! They adore me!'

Victoria Stitch has escaped from the confines of Wiskling Wood and flown into the human world. Here, she breaks the most sacred of all wiskling laws and speaks to a human.

Where she is feared and disgraced in Wiskling Wood, she is adored and revered in the human world. But the net is closing in. There are wisklings who would like to end Victoria Stitch's famous reign in the human world for good.

Will her beloved twin, Celestine, be able to warn her in time? And even if she can, will Victoria Stitch listen?