Topographia Hibernica - Blindboy Boatclub

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Topographia Hibernica - Blindboy Boatclub

Topographia Hibernica - Blindboy Boatclub

NOW €9.59 inc. VAT


Driving with a donkey stuffed in the back seat; jackdaws pecking brains out through the roof of a confessional box; cat piss and astronauts. This is not the world as you see it, but as it is, twisted from the maverick mind of Blindboy Boatclub.

These are stories of the strange unsettlings in the souls of men caught in between the past and the possible; stories of heart-blinding rage and disquieting compassion. Blindboy Boatclub is the essential voice for the Irish condition in the twenty-first century, and in Topographia Hibernica he unravels the knotted threads of humanity, nature and colonisation from a contemporary perspective.