The Sackville Street Caper: Molly Malone and Bram Stoker - Alan Nolan

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The Sackville Street Caper: Molly Malone and Bram Stoker - Alan Nolan

The Sackville Street Caper: Molly Malone and Bram Stoker - Alan Nolan

NOW €7.99 inc. VAT


Dublin, 1858

BRAM STOKER: boy seeking adventure (and things to write about)

MOLLY MALONE: part-time fishmonger and full-time sneak thief!

When Bram runs away from boarding school and meets streetwise Molly, he finds all the excitement he's ever wanted. Together they explore the city, with its Sackville Street Spooks, hoodlums and heroes - and let's not forget the very creepy Count Vladimir Grof-Constantin de Lugosi.

As Bram looks for inspiration for the famous book he has yet to write

- DRACULA - our two heroes stumble upon a dastardly plot to steal ...

the Irish Crown Jewels!

Let the game of cat and mouse begin

224 pages.