The Pearl - John Steinbeck

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The Pearl - John Steinbeck

The Pearl - John Steinbeck

Price:   €8.55 ex. VAT


A classic novella about the fallacy of the American dream, THE PEARL is Steinbeck's flawless parable about wealth and the evil it can bring.

When Kino, an Indian pearl-diver, finds 'the Pearl of the world' he believes that his life will be magically transformed. He will marry Juana in church and their little boy, Coyotito, will be able to attend school.

Obsessed by his dreams, Kino is blind to the greed, fear and even violence the pearl arouses in him and his neighbours. Written with haunting and lyrical simplicity, THE PEARL sets the values of the civilized world against those of the primitive and finds them tragically inadequate.