The Light That Binds Us - Andy Darcy Theo

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The Light That Binds Us - Andy Darcy Theo

The Light That Binds Us - Andy Darcy Theo

NOW €10.00 inc. VAT


After a childhood haunted by disturbing hallucinations of the Shadow Man, Alexis Michaels’s only comfort is the blue amulet he’s had since before he can remember. Now, the visions have gone, and Alexis craves a normal life.

But when a trip to Stonehenge unites him with three other teens carrying similar gems, normality is abandoned when they are plunged into a hidden world of power-wielding Elementals, and told they are the chosen ones, destined to save the world from an eternal night. Trained by legends and guided by heroes, Alexis and his companions must venture on a perilous quest, facing tests of love, loss, and loyalty.

But a dark past plagues Alexis as they prepare to defeat an adversary more ominous than they could imagine, and a looming secret sets to corrupt the mission, their lives, and his mind.

A high-stakes, speculative romance, which masterfully weaves themes of mental health, psychosis, and found family.