The Drowned - John Banville

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The Drowned - John Banville

The Drowned - John Banville

NOW €14.39 inc. VAT


The richly atmospheric new Strafford and Quirke murder mystery, from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Snow.

He had seen drowned people. A sight not to be forgotten.

1950s, rural Ireland. A loner comes across a mysteriously empty car in a field. Knowing he shouldn't approach, but unable to hold back, he soon finds himself embroiled in a troubling missing person's case, as a husband claims his wife may have thrown herself into the sea.

Called in from Dublin to investigate is Detective Inspector Strafford, who soon turns to his old ally - the flawed but brilliant pathologist Quirke - a man he is linked to in increasingly complicated ways.

352 pages.

Export/Airside Edition