The A to Z of an Irish Christmas - Sarah Cassidy

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The A to Z of an Irish Christmas - Sarah Cassidy

The A to Z of an Irish Christmas - Sarah Cassidy

NOW €7.19 inc. VAT


Everything you don't want foreigners to know about how we celebrate Christmas in Ireland. We can't be doing with Calling Birds, French Hens or Partridges in Pear Trees: but if it's Annuals, The Dinner, The Big Shop or The Wexford Carol you're looking for, you've come to the right book! Christmas Party, The /kris-muss par-tee, thuh/ proper noun. annual knees-up The one night of the year when employees get to tell their boss exactly how they feel as they strut their stuff on the dancefloor. There's nothing quite like scrolling through while nursing the hangover from hell.