Star of the Show - Jacqueline Wilson

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Star of the Show - Jacqueline Wilson

Star of the Show - Jacqueline Wilson

NOW €11.20 inc. VAT


'I'm going to a place called Grand Theatre and I'm going to be a dancer in a pantomime!'

Tess loves to dance, even when everything seems grim. After mum dies and pa leaves, she and her brothers and sisters are all alone, with hardly any food or money. With empty stomachs and scrambling for pennies, they've got to fend for themselves.

When Tess's big brother and sister go out to look for work, she has to stay in class at The Ragged School and take care of their baby sister Ada. But Tess is determined that even though she is poor, she will still get to go to the ball...or at least to dance in the Cinderella pantomime at the Grand Theatre...

A captivating Victorian adventure about family troubles and big dreams from the bestselling Jacqueline Wilson.

409 pages.