Rowan Tree Stables: Ride to the Rescue - Nina Carberry

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Rowan Tree Stables: Ride to the Rescue - Nina Carberry

Rowan Tree Stables: Ride to the Rescue - Nina Carberry

NOW €8.79 inc. VAT


Grace and Aaron may go to different schools, but they are the best of friends, bonded by a shared love of ponies and adventure. They love to ride out together at Rowan Tree Stables, which is run by Grace's grandad. Their ponies Daisy and Nipper are best friends too!

In Ride to the Rescue, Grace and Aaron discover something fishy about the local river. It's up to them - and their ponies - to track down who is behind it. But how will they manage when Grace's pony, Daisy, gets injured?

176 pages.