Once Upon a Legend - Ben Miller

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Once Upon a Legend - Ben Miller

Once Upon a Legend - Ben Miller

NOW €8.00 inc. VAT


Discover your destiny in a legendary tale of friendly giants and magical mishaps, from actor and comedian Ben Miller, bestselling author of The Day I Fell into a Fairytale.

Marcus has just started Merlin's, a very unusual school...

He doesn't like it and is doing everything he can to get into big trouble and be sent home. When a midnight prank accidentally wakes a sleeping giant called Crom, things take a turn for the magical.

But there are other giants on the move, bigger and angrier than Crom. Realising that Merlin's and the whole country are in danger, it's a race against time for the two new friends to find the magic of their own bravery.

Turn the page, share the adventure in this bestselling magical story for all the family, illustrated by Elisa Paganelli.