Marnie Midnight and the Moon Mystery - Laura Ellen Anderson

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Marnie Midnight and the Moon Mystery - Laura Ellen Anderson

Marnie Midnight and the Moon Mystery - Laura Ellen Anderson

NOW €7.80 ex. VAT


Meet Marnie Midnight - a little moth with BIG dreams! Marnie Midnight is SO excited to be starting at Minibeast Academy. She adores everything about the moon and she can't wait to learn about its magic. But Marnie soon discovers that nobody believes in moon magic anymore! Marnie is determined to get to the bottom of this moon mystery.

The little moth and her minibeast friends explore far and wide in their search for the truth. But will they survive a run-in with a rebellious rat or an out-of-this-world trip with the terrifying Early Bird?

One thing is for sure, Marnie is a little bug having a BIG Adventure!