Magicalia - Race of Wonders - Jennifer Bell

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Magicalia - Race of Wonders - Jennifer Bell

Magicalia - Race of Wonders - Jennifer Bell

NOW €7.99 inc. VAT


From the internationally bestselling author of Wonderscape and The Uncommoners, comes a spectacular new fantasy series for 9+ set in a world of magical creatures, ancient meteorites and secret organizations, irresistible to fans of Pokemon, Skandar and the Unicorn Thief and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.


When her dad is kidnapped by a woman with a giant hamstoceros, Bitsy and best friend Kosh are swept into a secret world of ancient meteorites and strange beasts called magicores, each conjured using a different emotion. Using a powerful bestiary called Magicalia, the friends must quickly become conjurors themselves, before following a trail of clues that will take them from London to India to Paris, in a race to rescue Bitsy's dad from a mysterious villain...