What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas - Julia Donaldson

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What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas - Julia Donaldson

What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas - Julia Donaldson

NOW €7.99 ex. VAT


In a big old house, the ladybird is visiting her friend the spider for the festive season. But those two bad men, Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len, are up to no good again. They have a devious plan – to steal the children's Christmas presents from their stockings! It's a good thing that the clever little ladybird has overheard their awful plotting, and she has a cunning plan to make sure they don't get away with it.

The fifth title in the Number One bestselling series from the award-winning team of Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks, which has been enjoyed by over four million children worldwid