Kate Gunn - The Accidental Soberista

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Kate Gunn - The Accidental Soberista

Kate Gunn - The Accidental Soberista

NOW €13.59 inc. VAT


In The Accidental Soberista, Kate chronicles her journey and shares the wonderful gift she feels she has been given. Could it be that ditching the booze might not be a chore or a loss? Could it, in fact, be the best decision you will ever make for yourself and your life?

There wasn't one major reason that Kate Gunn decided to give up alcohol, more a few minor ones. She had an inkling that alcohol was holding her back from getting on top of her life. Plus the hangovers were getting worse. No longer just a dull headache throughout the day. At the worst times, entire weekends wiped out by one fun night she could hardly remember.

Kate was a social drinker, usually having a few (or more) drinks three nights in any week. She loved red wine by the fire and cold beers in the sunshine. She couldn't possibly imagine actually going ‘out out’ and not drinking. Like many people in Ireland, she had been drinking pretty much since she was 16 years old. Alcohol was part of life.

But not long into her alcohol-free journey, Kate discovered that breaking free from alcohol improved every single aspect of her life - from relationships to health to work to happiness. She’s been to gigs, festivals, dinners, nights out and parties - and had fun at all of them. Plus she actually remembered them! Best of both worlds.