Zog and the Flying Doctors - Julia Donaldson

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Zog and the Flying Doctors - Julia Donaldson

Zog and the Flying Doctors - Julia Donaldson

NOW €6.56 ex. VAT


Meet the Flying Doctors: Princess Pearl, Sir Gadabout and, of course,
their trusty 'air ambulance', Zog the dragon, in this fabulously
original sequel to the bestselling ZOG, now available in paperback.
There's much to do, as they fly around tending a sunburnt
mermaid, a distressed unicorn and a sneezy lion. But should princesses
really be doctors? Pearl's uncle, the King, doesn't think
so - until he himself falls ill, and only Pearl knows how to curehim.
This guaranteed bestseller from the creators of The Gruffalo
and Stick Man shows Julia and Axel at their sparkling

32 pages.