It's Probably Your Hormones - Mary Ryan

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It's Probably Your Hormones - Mary Ryan

It's Probably Your Hormones - Mary Ryan

NOW €15.19 ex. VAT


Weight gain, insomnia, libido loss, fertility issues and acne are just some of the possible signs that something is not right with your hormones. In It's Probably Your Hormones, Dr Mary Ryan, a consultant endocrinologist, explains how good hormone health is important throughout our lives, not just at menopause, and how, by tackling problems when they arise, we can take control and improve our well-being.

The unfortunate truth is that many women struggle to have their health taken seriously and fail to get the support needed to manage debilitating symptoms. In this revelatory and timely book, Dr Mary Ryan shows us how we can recognise hormonal issues and how to balance our hormones with various treatment options, including HRT, diet, sleep and exercise, so that we can live happy, healthy and balanced lives at any age.