Into the Witchwood - Méabh McDonnell

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Into the Witchwood - Méabh McDonnell

Into the Witchwood - Méabh McDonnell

NOW €7.99 inc. VAT


Never, ever, set foot inside the Witchwood...

Surrounding Rowan’s home is the dark, dangerous Witchwood. At the heart of it, sitting at the bottom of an ancient well, is a powerful Witch. Six months ago, Rowan’s mother went into the woods – and never came back out.

Nothing has been the same ever since. She fights with her dad and her little sister, and her Nana won’t even speak to her. There’s only one thing that can fix it; Rowan needs to bring her mum home.

There’s magic lurking in the shadows. Watching her. Can Rowan enter the Witchwood and save her mum? After all, she’s a witch too...