Indigo 2

Indigo 2

Indigo 2

Price:   €21.95 inc. VAT


Indigo 2 is the second in a two-volume series covering the Junior Certificate English course and is suitable for Second-Year & Third-Year students.
• Features a wide range of content which supports the implementation of the principles and objectives of the new DES National Literacy Strategy.
• Provides the flexibility to teach across a range of abilities, since texts have sufficient depth to offer teaching opportunities at more than one level.
• Contains a range of extracts including fiction and non-fiction, media, poetry, drama and film whose topics, language and illustrations are age-appropriate and will capture students' interest and provide motivation for independent reading.
• All extracts are followed by an extensive range of questions and assignments covering all levels of comprehension skills.
• The fiction, drama and poetry sections feature a comprehensive mix of accessible material as well as classics such as 'Christmas Morning’ (Frank O’Connor), ‘The Secret life of Walter Mitty’ (James Thurber), ‘The Road Not Taken’ (Robert Frost) and ‘Mid Term break’ (Seamus Heaney).
• Packed with resources and exercises which support the teaching and assessment of key literacy skills and strategies, including:
     • Vocabulary Development
     • Spelling Challenges
     • Cloze Tests
     • Punctuation
     • Guidelines for personal and functional writing
     • Key literary items