I'm Rich, You're Poor - Shabaz Ali

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I'm Rich, You're Poor - Shabaz Ali

I'm Rich, You're Poor - Shabaz Ali

NOW €14.80 ex. VAT


The world is full of books about how to be rich. This is not one of them. Today, many of us are feeling the pinch - and being bombarded with portrayals of social media 'perfection' is making that pinch feel more like a punch.

We may know that social media - with all its billionaires and beauty queens - is just a highlight reel. So why is it still making most of us feel so low? Comedian Shabaz Ali wants to help you see the funny side of social media again. Because while it looks nice to live up in an ivory tower, this book reminds us that it is much more fun to be part of the baying mob that surrounds it.

This laugh-out-loud deep-dive into social media's ridiculously rich, will help you love your own penny-pinched, rough-around-the-edges, extraordinarily ordinary life.