Hercules: The Diary of a (sort of) Hero - Tom Vaughan

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Hercules: The Diary of a (sort of) Hero - Tom Vaughan

Hercules: The Diary of a (sort of) Hero - Tom Vaughan

NOW €7.99 ex. VAT


If Hercules Braver is going to survive his new secondary school, he has to live up to his name, fast. He needs to become strong and tanned and popular, like a Greek hero. Not weak and pale and unpopular, like a Greek yoghurt.

But his bid for popularity ends up saddling him with a set of impossible tasks ... like cleaning out the monster-riddled school pond, facing up to the school bully and finding the headmaster's missing cat. Then Herc's charming, impressive birth dad turns up after years living in Greece, and Hercules thinks his problems are solved.

With God-like strength and awe-inspiring powers, could his dad even be... the real Zeus?! And will Hercules learn what it truly means to be a hero?