Guinness World Records 2025 by Guinness World Records Limited

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Guinness World Records 2025 by Guinness World Records Limited

Guinness World Records 2025 by Guinness World Records Limited

NOW €22.00 inc. VAT


After 70 years, open the next chapter of record breaking!

Filled with thousands of awesome facts and feats for the whole family, this year's edition celebrates Guinness World Records' 70th anniversary. Learn how record breaking has changed over the years and what incredible looks like in 2025.

Celebrate the ICONS that shaped our world from Taylor Swift to the Tallest Man Ever.

Discover the next generation of record breakers... and how you can become one, with a dedicated KIDS ZONE.

Chart the history and ultimate limits of record breaking with poster-style FLASHBACKS - including speedy rubix cube solves, eye-watering football transfers and more.

Travel through 70 years of the famous book with an opening chapter filled with retro features.

Look out for DEAR GWR - an affectionate tribute to some of the funniest record applications that didn't quite make the cut.

256 pages.