Grounded in the Garden - TJ Maher

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Grounded in the Garden - TJ Maher

Grounded in the Garden - TJ Maher

NOW €25.32 inc. VAT


Grounded in the Garden explores the practical considerations that come into play when creating a beautiful garden which also respects nature. TJ goes deep into such topics as using colour in the garden, creating and re-creating borders, and generally, how we can get the most from our gardens. But this is much more than just a how-to guide. Interspersed among the practical advice is a spiritual and thought-provoking inquiry as he reflects on nature and what she has to teach us if we are willing to listen.

TJ writes, 'Maybe the only things that matter in the end are love and the heart connections we have made.' This book is an invitation to love both the natural world and ourselves. It is also a feast for the eyes. TJ's photographs are interspersed with contributions from Jason Ingram, Clive Nichols, Richard Murphy and Kieran Neary. Together, their images bring to life the creatures, the beauty and the colour in his garden.