Gross Jokes for Funny Kids

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Gross Jokes for Funny Kids

Gross Jokes for Funny Kids

NOW €4.96 ex. VAT


A hilarious collection of the grossest jokes for funny kids.

"Yuck " "Ewwww " "NOOOOO " Prepare yourself to yell all of these things when you read this spectacularly disgusting collection of the burpiest, fartiest, smelliest, squelchiest jokes around.

Why did the baker have smelly hands?
Because he kneaded a poo.

Why was the sand wet?
Because the sea weed.

What's the difference between bogeys and broccoli?
Kids won't eat broccoli.

This gleefully revolting book is packed full of over 300 of the grossest jokes ever, plus loads of hilariously revolting illustrations.