Godkiller - Hannah Kaner

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Godkiller - Hannah Kaner

Godkiller - Hannah Kaner

NOW €9.88 ex. VAT


Kissen's family were killed by zealots of a fire god. Now, she makes a living killing gods, and enjoys it.

That is until she finds a god she cannot kill: Skedi, a god of white lies, has somehow bound himself to a young noble, and they are both on the run from unknown assassins. Joined by a disillusioned knight on a secret quest, they must travel to the ruined city of Blenraden, where the last of the wild gods reside, to each beg a favour. Pursued by demons, and in the midst of burgeoning civil war, they will all face a reckoning - something is rotting at the heart of their world, and only they can be the ones to stop it.