Francais: Ressourses et Révision

Francais: Ressourses et Révision

Francais: Ressourses et Révision

NOW €10.76 inc. VAT


• This book provides a wide range of vocabulary suitable for French Ordinary & Higher Level students.
• The level of vocabulary is clearly marked throughout the book and all expressions are given in English also.
• The vocabulary is thematically arranged in 12 chapters, using a clear and colourful layout.
• Sample phrases and full paragraphs are provided throughout the book to help students practice and improve their writing skills.
• The Compétences chapter covers the skills required in the Junior Certificate. It includes tips for the Listening, Reading and Writing sections, as well as a selection of useful expressions and sample exam-style letters, postcards & messages.

• Exercises occur throughout each chapter to help students revise vocabulary as they progress through the book.
• At the end of each chapter, a set of Junior Cert exam-style exercises is provided in the Exercises section. It contains Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension and writing Exercises. These exercises have been designed to cater for mixed ability classes as well as for single level classes.
• The Compétences section offers a range of exam-style letters, postcards, and messages exercises for students to do.