Fixing Mum & Dad - Sinéad Moriarty

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Fixing Mum & Dad - Sinéad Moriarty

Quinn is furious when her mum announces they are moving in with Grandad because her doctor dad is away working abroad again. New school, new town, new everything. She manages to make one good friend, Charlie, the goalie on her football team, who loves books as much as she does. But there’s a lot to deal with: Mum and Dad arguing over FaceTime, her little brother crying because he misses their dad, kids in school making nasty comments, and her football coach taking Mum out for a drink to chat about ‘old times’.

Quinn wishes life could go back to normal, before her dad felt that he had to go to help in war zones, before Mum was stressed all the time, before they had to live in Grandad's small house and go to a new school. But her biggest worry is that Mum and Dad are going to break up and life will never be the same again…