First Facts - Dinosaurs

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First Facts - Dinosaurs

First Facts - Dinosaurs

NOW €7.00 ex. VAT


Find out facts about the incredible world of prehistoric animals in this first children's book about dinosaurs. Discover which dinosaur was as tall as a tree, who had horns and armour, and who was covered in feathers. Then see what these extinct animals ate, when they lived, and why they died out.
First Facts Dinosaurs introduces children to the pleasures of reading with simple text, short entries, and clear, detailed illustrations. It is bursting with answers to the questions inquisitive kids ask: Could dinosaurs fly... Where did they have their babies... What are dinosaur fossils? Fun and educational, First Facts Dinosaurs is perfect for home reading and is a valuable aid for both parents and teachers. It's a great way to introduce young readers to the exciting world around them!