Every Move You Make (Hardback) - C. L. Taylor

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Every Move You Make (Hardback) - C. L. Taylor

Every Move You Make (Hardback) - C. L. Taylor

NOW €15.00 inc. VAT


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer…

Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget, River and Natalie. Five friends who wish they’d never met. Because the one thing they have in common is the worst thing in their lives: they are all being stalked. When one of their group is murdered, days after their stalker is released from prison, time stands still for them all.

They know their lives could end just as brutally at any moment – all it takes is for the people they fear the most to catch up with them. When the group receive a threat that one of them will die in ten days’ time, the terror that stalks their daily lives becomes all-consuming. But they know they don’t want to be victims anymore – it’s time to turn the tables and finally get their revenge.

Because the only way to stop a stalker is to become one yourself…