Craic Le Litriú D

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Craic Le Litriú D

Craic Le Litriú D

Price:   €10.65 inc. VAT


The bestselling Irish spelling workbook series is now fully revised and updated.

Craic Le Litriú focuses on the 10 themes of the Irish curriculum. Each weekly chapter practises one of the themes.

Craic Le Litriú allows pupils to learn Irish spelling in a fun and entertaining way.

In each chapter pupils can practise reading, speaking and writing, as Gaeilge using a wide range of activities.

Regular repetition of words will build vocabulary.

Includes many different types of activities: wordsearch puzzles, secret codes, matching assignments and crosswords.

Incorporates grammar and verbs within the text and introduces sentence building.

Both the vocabulary and the activities are graded and linked from book to book in the series.

Revision chapters revise and reinforce what pupils have learned.

Includes a Scrudú Litriú page, which can be photocopied