Cage Eleven - Gerry Adams

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Cage Eleven - Gerry Adams

Cage Eleven - Gerry Adams

NOW €10.39 inc. VAT


Long before he became President of Sinn Féin, Gerry Adams was a civil rights activist who took part in sit-ins, marches and protests in Northern Ireland. Along with hundreds of other men, Adams was interned on the Maidstone prison ship and in Long Kesh prison – without charge or trial – during the 1970s for his political activities. Women were interned also, in Armagh Women’s Prison.

Cage Eleven is his own account – sometimes passionate, often humorous – of life in Long Kesh. Written while Adams was a prisoner, the pieces were smuggled out for publication. This updated edition includes a new introduction and sketches drawn in Cage Eleven by another prisoner at the time, Danny Devenny.