Bun Go Barr Bunscriobh 6

Bun Go Barr Bunscriobh 6

Bun Go Barr Bunscriobh 6

Price:   €7.20 inc. VAT


Bunscríobh is a series of Activity Books for Second to Sixth Class. It complements and supports the Bun go Barr series.

Each book provides adequate material for weekly thirty-minute classes focussing on the development of writing skills in Irish. Pupils will develop skills in sentence structure, comprehension, vocabulary development etc.

Bunscríobh comprehensively addresses all the writing objectives contained in Curaclam na Bunscoile, Gaeilge (1999). The books follow a common format and cater for multi-grade teaching and mixed abilities in classes.

Bunscríobh will enable students to:
• structure their thoughts
• describe events
• tell stories
• develop their confidence in using Irish
• enjoy the creative aspects of writing