Bun Go Barr Bunchéim B

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Bun Go Barr Bunchéim B

Bun Go Barr Bunchéim B

Price:   €15.40 inc. VAT


In Bunchéim B, children learn to use and understand words, phrases and everyday language in a meaningful and informal manner. This is achieved through the use of appropriate and interesting poems, songs and stories.
In keeping with other levels in the series, a comprehensive Lámhleabhar an Mhúinteora provides significant backup for teachers in a well-proven unit-a-week format.
The Lámhleabhar includes:

• A Scéim Bliana and work plan for each week of the year
• Structured conversations and key questions/answers
• Poems, songs and stories specific to each unit/poster
• Supplementary worksheets
• Additional material for whiteboard/computer
There are 24 Wall Posters and a CD which includes poems, songs and stories.