Billy Elliot - Melvin Burgess

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Billy Elliot - Melvin Burgess

Billy Elliot - Melvin Burgess

Price:   €6.75 ex. VAT


Billy Elliot's tough, funny and heart-warming story is given new
depth by best-selling author, Melvin Burgess.

Billy's mother is dead, and his father and brother are fiercely involved
in a bitter miners' fight that has split the local community.
Billy's father wants his son to learn boxing, like he did and
his father before him. But Billy is fascinated by the grace and
magic of ballet and is determined to dance his way to a different

Told from the differing viewpoints of Billy, his father and brother
and his friend Michael, Melvin Burgess has captured the spirit
of the original film screenplay while demonstrating the skill and
inspiration he showed in his award-winning novel, Junk.